1 cup white cornmeal
2 cup water
1 t salt
1 cup cold milk
2 eggs, well beaten
2 T butter, melted
Combine cornmeal, water, and salt in a large saucepand and bring to a boil. Lower heat and cook 5 minutes, stirring constantly. It will become very thick; do not add more liquid at this stage. After 5 minutes, remove from heat and gradually stir in milk, then egg, then butter. When mixed pour into hot greased baking dish and bake 400 degrees for 40 minutes or until center is firm and top is browned.
This is something that I usually make for breakfast. I like having a made breakfast (as opposed to cereal) without actually having to make breakfast in the morning. I usually divvy this up into servings and put in the fridge, and heat one each morning in the microwave for about 30 seconds and pour on syrup. Lately I've been using some freezer jam that never set.
Why white cornmeal? I dunno, it's what the original recipie said. Go ahead, use yellow. White is usually the only kind I have in the house anyway - I may have originally been searching for recipies that used white cornmeal. The milk was labeled as "sweet" milk, leading me to believe this was written up in a place they use a lot of buttermilk.
A side note on the eggs: I use fake eggs. Commonly known as Egg Beaters. I use them in just about everything that calls for eggs, unless I'm actually eating eggs (or soufle's or custards). You get a consistant amount because they are measured, they don't break, and if you are breading things, you don't have to use a whole egg when a half would have done. Also useful for when you are cutting down a recipie that would require a partial egg.